Tuesday, March 13, 2007

About Asian-Americans

About Asian-Americans, USA Today 1/18/07
Many of the 14 million Asian-Americans in the USA are high-powered consumers and business people whose dollars are increasingly coveted by corporate advertisers. For example, Asian-Americans:
•Boast spending power of $427 billion, expected to grow to $623 billion by 2010.
•Have a median household income of $58,000 in 2004 ?the highest income level among all ethnic groups.
•Owned 1.1 million businesses in 2002, with sales receipts of $343 billion.
•Have the highest percentage (49%) of bachelor's degrees of all ethnic groups.
•Have the highest percentage (46%) of people in professional and managerial jobs among all ethnic groups.
Sources: Census Bureau, The IW Group, Selig Center for Economic Growth